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Ben Hogan said that
a golfer should keep a rangebook on what one
was working on for that day, how it was
going, and what should
be worked on for the next range session.
Click the picture
below to see examples
of my rangebook.





How top teachers and players take it back (swing thoughts):

How the Club Starts Back:

Johnny Miller:1.) Rock back of the knees; 2.) “One piece.”

Bobby Nichols: 1.) Low to the ground; 2.) Hips and shoulders simultaneously.

Julius Boros:  1.) Rebound; 2.)Turn shoulders; 3.) No tension in arms; 4.) Left arm comfortably straight and in control.

Gene Sarazen: 1.) No wrist break and low to the ground; 2.) Hands lead the takeaway and “one piece”; 4.) Shoulder lowers.

Gary Wiren: 1.) Turn of the shoulders and hips; 2.) Left arm remains in control.

Nick Faldo: 1.) Torso; 2.) Hands, arms, clubhead.

Ernest Jones: 1.) Swing the club with the hands; 2.) Rest of the body follows their lead; 3.) Shoulders and arms should be regarded as admirable followers but disastrous as leaders.

Jack Grout: 1.) Hands; 2.) Arms triggers the shoulders.

Ben Hogan: 1.) Hands; 2.) Arms; 3.) Shoulders; 4.) Hips.

Jimmy Ballard: 1.) Left Foot; 2.) Left side; 3.) Triangle; 4.) Center.

Bobby Jones: 1.) Left foot; 2.) Trunk; 3.) Arms.

Sam Snead; 1.) Forward press; 2.) Hips and shoulders are in synch with the hand and arm swing.

Patty Berg: 1.) Hands and arms go away low; 2.) Body turns.

Jack Nicklaus: 1.) Press; 2.) Clubhead; 3.) Hands and arms; 4.) Left shoulder pushes.

Gary Player: 1.) Low and no wrist break; 2.) Shoulders turn freely.

Tony Lema: 1.) Low; 2.) Clubhead goes back straight for 1 foot; 3.) Left arm; 4.) Body turns like a hub.

Greg Norman: 1.) Extension; 2.) Right pocket back; 3.) Knees maintain same angle and position; 4.) Shoulders turn on same plane as hips.

Curtis Strange: 1.) One-piece with no wrist break; 2.) Slow.

Bill Rogers: 1.) Low; 2.) Square.

Gardner Dickinson: 1.) Low along line; 2.) Full extension.






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